After celebrating the 4th of July on the Southern Oregon coast we decided to head back to the Gorge instead of Santa Cruz due to an optimistic forecast. When we arrived the next morning the wind wasn't blowing very hard in the corridor but was blasting further east. Onward!

We drove all the way up to
Roosevelt State Park, Washington, an hour east of Hood River where we finally found some solid 4.2 conditions. If you've never been out east of Hood River in the Gorge put this on your list of places to visit. The wind blows hard, the grass is green, the camping is free, the showers are hot, and all your camping neighbors are windsurfers.

After a long day of sailing until 8 o'clock, we set up camp to relax for the evening.
Life was good until 10 o'clock arrived and
we found ourselves caught in the middle of what every Roosevelt windsurfer must know, "the sprinklers". Our lovely campsite suddenly looked like it had been sprayed down with a couple fire hoses, but luckily Ray and Juan Pablo were there ready to hustle and moved all our gear to dry
It looks like the Gorge is going to keep blowing for a while so the plan is to stick around until the Oregon coast finally lights up.

Those fireworks really are amazing. It's so great to see you guys having an amazing adventure! I can't wait to join up and see what its all about! --Melissa