A windsurfing road trip can best be described as a weather watching trip with lots of driving involved. A typical day for us involves checking several different wind forecasts tables, swell forecasts, and tide charts on laptops and iphones all in an attempt to meet up with some perfect wind and waves. Depending on the outlook, we make the call to either stay where we are for another day or two, or head off to a new location.

After spending a bit of time on the northern California coast, we were anxious to head further south and continue our journey. We meandered out through the redwoods, made a quick stop at the "Mystery Spot," to verify our centers of gravity, and then pointed our cars toward San Francisco. Originally, the plan was to cruise over through Point Reyes and try to score a session at some good breaks we had heard about, but the weather forecast looked a little dismal there so we decided to press onward.

By 6:00pm we were in the city by the Bay and were on the water at Crissy Field by 6:30pm. The wind was good, a steady 18-22mph which made for some good freestyle conditions and the water, although cold, was noticeably warmer than the Oregon coast. Tomorrow we're off to Santa Cruz for some surfing and some wavesailing.

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